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This term at The University of Greenwich, the first year B.A Landscape Architecture group have been developing a project called 'Dissecting Landscape Architecture' which looks at and investigates different aspects of Landscape and the role of the Landscape Architect



We have also been exploring the different factors that have to be considered, when implementing a design, broadly throughout the field of Landscape Architecture and in more detail by looking at an important landscape within the public realm.

For this we choose the 'More London' project in Southwark by Townshends Associates,and interviewed Senior Landscape Architects involved in the design and build of it.

click on Iimages for interviews with Townshends Associates / short MORELONDON video 



The project also includes interviews with Noel Farrer president of the Landscape Institute and different perspectives from Tom Turner and Jane Hutton Landscape Architects working within the academic field of Landscape Architecture. 


click on images below to go to interviews 

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